Right now, British Petroleum, the owner of the well that was responsible for the Gulf disaster, currently has three licenses to drill in the Beaufort Sea in Canada’s Arctic, and in conjunction with a number of other oil companies, is petitioning the Canadian federal government to loosen the environmental regulations controlling Arctic drilling. Chevron, another oil company is drilling a well off the coast of Newfoundland that will run even deeper than the offending rig in the Gulf of Mexico, and there have been a number of questions raised regarding its safety. Also, the provincial government of British Columbia is pushing the federal government to lift a moratorium on drilling of their coast, and they are already part of plan to build a pipeline from the notorious tar sands in Alberta to the coast in order to load oil on tankers for transoceanic shipping. If successful, either move on their own could threaten one of Canada's most pristine and delicate coastlines known worldwide for its rich biodiversity.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has repeatedly displayed his arrogance and his ignorance by stating that the kind of spill that is destroying the ecosystem and the industries of the Gulf of Mexico could never happen in Canada. His government must be sent a message that Canadians and the citizens of the world are not as stupid as he would like to assume we are or like us to be. They need to know that it is no longer acceptable for our governments to pander to the will of big business, and that is time protect our environment and the future of our children.
Accidents such as the one in the Gulf of Mexico can happen anywhere, and they do happen for a variety of reasons, one of the largest being the drive for profit on behalf of companies like British Petroleum which forces the cutting of corners and the continuance of dangerous operating practices with the sole intent of increasing the profitability of their operations.
If you doubt this, ask yourself why they want Canadians to loosen our protections in the Arctic? It has nothing to do with us, the average citizen, no matter what the rhetoric and propaganda about passing the savings onto customers. We will never see a penny in savings. Every penny they make lines the pockets of their shareholders and executives. Again, if you doubt it, just look at the dividends and bonuses they have been passing around in the midst of the crisis in the Gulf while doing nothing to assist the people whose lives have been devastated with their oil spill.
Help Steve Johansen protect our shores and our seas from disaster. Sign his petition, and help save our oceans: Help protect Canada's oceansLearn more about "Cause An Effect - World Ocean's Day " at the David Suzuki Foundation's Cause An Effect - World Ocean's Day YouTube site
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